Cooking Up Success: newITera’s First Ever LADIESNIGHT!

mei 2024 . By Casper
Cooking Up Success: newITera’s First Ever LADIESNIGHT!

Written By: Danitsja van Rijsewijk, Marjolein de Ruiter & Nicolette Hartman-Lensink

On May 17th 2024, newITera hosted its inaugural, unforgettable, and enjoyable LADIESNIGHT! For this special evening, we chose a cooking workshop, which, despite being perhaps stereotypical, proved to be a great success.

Empowering Woman in Tech

At newITera, we believe it is crucial for women in the IT sector to meet, share experiences, and support each other. These types of events not only strengthen our team spirit but also provide a valuable network and a moment of relaxation.

Despite a few cancellations, the atmosphere was unaffected. Most participants arrived between 4:00 and 4:30 PM at Logement De Reiziger in Ottersum, where we were greeted with exceptional hospitality. After a welcoming drink, Ton, our patient chef for the evening, gave a brief introduction and had even prepared a delicious asparagus soup in advance.

Teamwork and Tasty Treats

The real work began when we paired up to prepare the appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Margret and Nicolette started with an asparagus-orange salad, followed by Heidi and Daniëlle who served the main course of asparagus, carrots, peas, potatoes, and a unique combination of beef and chicken meatballs. The dessert, a delightful rhubarb/strawberry crumble served with either cream or yogurt, was provided by Danitsja and Marjolein.

After the cooking, the best part of the evening ensued: the meal! All the dishes were delicious, and during dinner, there was ample opportunity to discuss work and personal lives. It was the perfect way to unwind after a busy work week.

Looking Ahead to Future Events

The evening was such a success that we are already overflowing with ideas for the next Ladiesnight, with activities like painting, pottery, and dancing on the agenda. One thing is clear: a new tradition has been born at newITera, and we look forward to next time, hopefully with all the ladies in attendance!